3/8 – 3/12
This is a SHARING week. The children may bring in a favorite book on their
scheduled sharing day. When sharing with the group each child will be encouraged to talk about their book and show their favorite page.

Other reading activities include playing a Very Hungry Caterpillar game and a Dr Seuss matching game and reading, Rhyming Dust Bunnies, by Jan Thomas and completing a rhyming activity. The letter of the week is R is for read.

3/15 – 3/ 19
This week we will mix colors to make new colors, try an experiment with Skittles and practice our scissor skills by cutting paint strips. We will learn about the artist, Jackson Pollack, and create our own Jackson Pollack-like splatter paintings.

Wear your favorite colors to school on Tuesday 3/9 and Friday, 3/12!
The letter of the week activity is S is for snake.

* WOW with lunch bunch will be held on Wednesday, 3/10 for the Monday/Tuesday group.
* WOW with lunch bunch will be held on Wednesday, 3/24 for the Thursday/Friday group.
* Boots are recommended for the playground in the morning as there are still wet, snowy patches and the bark mulch can be damp at times. Please send shoes or slippers to wear in the classroom.

Monday (8) carrots and dip PPP will do
Tuesday (9) cheese and crackers Jackson
WOW (10) Goldfish PPP will do
Thursday (11) carrots and dip Stella, Brooke
Friday (12) cheese and crackers Christian

Monday (15) mini bagels and cream cheese Viv, Ben
Tuesday (16) birthday celebration Harper, Brielle, Cameron
Thursday (18) birthday celebration Mila
Friday (19) mini bagels and cream cheese Henry


WOW! New Wednesday addition

PPP Families,

Perry Park is happy to announce an addition to our current schedule.

Beginning in March, each group will have the option of attending school on a Wednesday morning.

The Monday/Tuesday class is welcome to attend on-Wednesday, March 10th

The Thursday/Friday class is welcome to attend on- Wednesday, March 24th

Class will meet from 9:00-12:00 and the fee for the morning is $36.00

Additional info:

*A minimum of 8 children is required to hold this program.

*Families are asked to sign up one week in advance. Payment is due upon signing
up. In the event of a snow day or other PPP cancellation, the day will be made up
at a future date. Refunds will not be offered.

*Sign-ups will be unavailable on WOW day.

*Lunch Bunch will be held for a $10 fee. Five children are required to hold LunchBunch. If interested in Lunch Bunch, please sign up to attend when you sign up for WOW.

Many families have requested adding days to their child’s schedule. At this time, EEC does not permit mixing cohorts of children. We hope WOW will be a good start to adding an extra day. If possible, we will continue to offer WOW days in April and May and will keep you posted of the schedule.

We hope you’ll consider participating in WOW at PPP!

PPP staff



WEEK OF: FEBRUARY 22 – 26, 2021

As we explore transportation this week the children will become aware of the many ways people can travel from one place to another.
Activities for the week include completing transportation puzzles, creating patterns with vehicles, reading books on transportation and making a collage of our favorite way to travel. At music time we’ll sing the Wheels on the Bus, I’ve Been Working on the Railroad and Laurie Berkner’s Airplane Song.
The letter of the week activity is Q is for queen.

WEEK OF: MARCH 1 – 5, 2021


This week we will have fun with Dr. Seuss activities in honor of his birthday on March 2nd. This day is recognized as National Read Across America Day which many schools celebrate. At PPP we will read a selection of Dr. Seuss books each day and have activities planned related to the stories.
The letter of the week activity is R is for read.


*Children may wear silly socks to school on Monday 3/1 and Thursday 3/4

*Children are asked to wear the colors red and blue to school on
Tuesday 3/2 and Friday 3/5.

*Registration forms for the 2021-2022 school year have been sent home.
Enrollment is now open for new families and spots will be filled on a first come first served basis.

*There is a signup sheet for those who would like their child (children) to attend school on WOW in March. You are welcome to sign up through email, too.

Monday (2/22) mini bagels & cream cheese Jack
Tuesday (2/23) pretzels & raisins Jackson

Thursday (2/25) Goldfish PPP will do
Friday (2/26) pretzels & raisins Carrie

Monday (3/1) Goldfish Cameron
Tuesday (3/2) bananas

Thursday (3/4) Goldfish Emma
Friday (3/5) bananas

Read Across America Day

It’s never too cold, too wet or too hot
To pick up a book, and share what you’ve got.
You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild
To pick up a book and read with a child.
In churches and chambers, let’s gather round
Let’s pick up a book, let’s pass it around
There are children around you, children in need
Of someone who’ll hug, someone who’ll read.
So join us March 2nd in your special own way
And make this America’s read to Kids Day.
-Anita Merina, 1997


Weekly Updates

THEME: SPACE continues….
WEEK OF: FEBRUARY 1 – 5, 2001

Zoom, zoom, zoom,
I’m going to the moon.
Would you like to take a trip? Climb aboard my rocket ship!
(crouch down) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,
(jump up) BLAST OFF!

The children have enjoyed learning about the planets, moon, constellations, space travel and there is more to come this week!

WEEK OF: FEBRUARY 8 – 12, 2021

The Valentines theme this week will promote discussions and activities to talk about kindness, caring and being a good friend. We will write each child’s name on our kindness board when we see an act of kindness in the classroom Be sure to ask your child about their kind act this week.
The letter of the week is P is for Post Office.


*The children may bring in Valentine cards for their classmates. Please leave the outside envelope blank for ease of delivery and children may sign their own name on the inside.

There are 13 children in the M/T group and 14 in the Th/F group.

*We welcome cards without candy. Thank you.

*Registration forms for 2021-2022 will be sent home beginning February 8th.
Registration will be open to new families beginning 2/25 so be sure to return your forms to secure your first choice schedule.

*PPP is closed 2/15 – 2/19. Enjoy the week!

Monday (1) Honey Nut Cheerios Brielle
Tuesday (2) Goldfish Jesse, Margot
Thursday (4) Goldfish Liam
Friday (5) Honey Nut cheerios Henry

Monday (8) bananas Harper, Jack
Tuesday (9) animal crackers Connor
Thursday (11) bananas Mila
Friday (12) animal crackers Jack

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