Welcome back and best wishes for a happy, healthy 2025!

We have many fun learning experiences planned for our exploration of winter. Circle time activities will include reading books about snow, winter, and arctic animals. We will experiment painting with ice cubes and watercolors, explore the arctic animals and rice in the sensory table, cut out hats and mittens to decorate and make pinecone bird feeders.

Music time will find us moving like snowflakes, dancing the freeze dance, and singing winter songs.

The letter of the week activities are M is for mitten, N is for numbers.


– The February snack calendar will be available to sign at arrival time.

– Parent / Teacher phone conferences will be held in January. It’s not too late to sign up!

– Registration forms for the 2025 – 2026 school year will be sent home in January.
Registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis.

– Tell your friends! An Open House for new families will be held on Saturday, January 11 th from 9:30-10:30. New families may begin registering at that time.

– Snow pants can be worn on the playground for warm, snowy fun, and we’ll send them home at the end of the day. Please label all outerwear.

– When wearing snow boots, please send slippers or shoes in the backpack to change into once we’re inside.

– There is no class on Monday, 1/20, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Thursday (2) Clementines – Brynleigh
Friday (3) yogurt – Brody
Monday (6) Veggie Stix – PPP will do
Tuesday (7) Pirate’s Booty – Brennan
Wednesday (8) pretzels – Julian
Thursday (9) Cheez-its – Natalie
Friday (10) animal crackers – Hallie
Monday (13) bananas – PPP will do
Tuesday (14) cheese & crackers – Oliver
Wednesday (15) Pirate’s Booty – Colin
Thursday (16) applesauce & graham crackers – Mabel
Friday (17) birthday celebration – Natalie & Holly