January 20th – 24th and January 27th – 31st
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
I’m going to the moon.
Would you like to take a trip? Climb aboard my rocket ship!
(crouch down) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
(jump up) BLAST OFF!
We will blast off into space as we explore the outer space theme. We’ll learn about planets, stars, constellations, space travel and more!
Many of our astronomical creations will be on display at the Art Show! which will be held on Saturday, April 12th .
The letter of the week activities are O is for outer space and P is for planet.
*The week of January 27th – 31st is SHARING WEEK. The children may bring in an item related to the space theme on their scheduled sharing day.
*The Open House for new families was a success with new registrations coming in for the fall. Turn in your forms soon to receive your first-choice schedule!
*The Yellow Apple Group has started home visits with the class book buddy, Grumpy Monkey. All of the Yellow Apples will have a turn to keep the book buddy for 2 nights and write about their adventure. All are looking forward to their turn
with Grumpy Monkey!
*Barksdale studios has put together a small Valentine fundraiser for children who had their photos taken in the fall. There is a packet for you to view containing 36 Valentine cards with your child’s photo on them. The packets are $12, and the payment is made online to Barksdale. We’ll bring them out at arrival and dismissal time for families to see the packets. Participation is optional.
*Speaking of Valentines… in February the children may bring in Valentine cards for their classmates. Please send enough for your child’s entire group and we ask that no food items be sent in. There are 20 Yellow Apples and 7 Red Apples. For ease of distributing them, please leave the outside envelope blank and just sign inside the card. More information about Valentines will come in the next update.
*Preschool will not be held on Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King, Jr. day.