February 3 – 7, 2025
Theme: Wood Shop

Let’s build! And learn about tools and their uses this week…

Also, the children will decorate a Valentine bag to receive Valentine cards from their classmates. Valentine cards may be sent in any time now. The children will deliver the cards next week and bring their bags home on Thursday (13th ) and Friday (14th.)

The letter of the week activity is Q is for queen.

February 10th – 14th
Theme: Post Office and Valentines

If you are planning to send in Valentine cards with your child, please send in enough cards for your child’s entire group.

-There are 20 Yellow Apples.
-There are 7 Red Apples

For ease of delivery, leave the outside envelope blank; this way the children will easily be able to deliver them to each Valentine bag.

*We ask that no food items be sent in with the Valentine cards.

The letter of the week activity is R is for rocket ship.

REMINDERS and other info:

*Any contributions of envelopes, stickers, cards, and small pads of paper for use in the dramatic play post office would be greatly appreciated!

*Tasty Tuesday is on for Tuesday 2/11 from 12:00-1:00! Sign up to join in the fun!
The pizza will be ordered on Friday 2/7 – so payment is due by that date.

*The March snack calendar is available to sign.

* There is a parent breakfast scheduled for Friday, 1/31 and Thursday 2/6.
After drop-off, come inside and enjoy breakfast with other PPP parents.

*The Yellow Apple group has started home visits with the class book buddy,
Grumpy Monkey. All Yellow Apples will have a turn to bring Grumpy Monkey home for 2 nights. We are so excited and can hardly wait for our turn!

*February 17 th – 21 st is school vacation week. Enjoy the week!